My good friends, Tin and Mitch, organized a Scrap Laureat fairly recently and this has helped enormously to reboot my sleeping scrapbooking mojo. She also sent me a new Studio Azul kit to guest as part of the DT (design team) for one of her latest kits, along with Nita as a scrap-buddy. Will post those layouts/mini album when i'm done, hopefully soon. for now, i am posting some layouts i've finished these past couple of months but have not posted yet.


the two layouts above are all about my analog obsessions: collecting typewriters and vinyl records. they are supposed to be part of a series of 4, the others being vintage cameras and fountain pens. i also love old rotary telephones and--a recent offshoot of collecting typewriters-- vintage typewriter ribbon tins. but that's a recent "thing" for me and it's for another story.
i also tried doing, for the first time, some technique on this layout that i picked up from friends Ime Oranga and Cabbie Lopez. it's sort of a masking technique with molding paste. the effect is those 3D ornate borders you see on the layout. thanks Ime for lending me some Liquitex molding paste too! :-)


i've unearthed a project that i wanted to do just before i dropped scrapbooking for the nth time. it was these photo of my youngest daughter and son getting acquainted with a catterpillar from our small front yard. though i'd finally finish it up.

we found this catterpillar--among a few others--right on our front garden. you guys were a little apprehensive to touch it at first but after i handled it and showed you how, you became braver and even found it cute!
i hope you always keep that sense of wonder and curiosity of the things in your world, my babies. because, just like that little caterpillar you held in your hand, you are a future butterfly and will spread you wings, far and wide!

found this picture among our lot of vacation photos when we went to Baguio. when i took the snapshot, i didn't plan to capture my little boy, Raj, as he was bickering at Reine about some little thing. but i thought his facial expression was so funny, i just had to get it printed and scrapbooked! the journaling reads:
it's really funny how you two silly kids carry on. you probably fight at least 10 times a day, saying all sorts of ridiculous things you likely picked up from Spongebob. yet, you always make up 5 mins. later, playing like nothing happened. i hope you keep this spirit of resilience and your good humor till you grow up because no matter what you do or say, you are irrevocably, undeniably and inevitably, FAMILY.used the Studio Azul Blue Mumushka kit for this layout. journaling reads:
two teeth fell out, almost one after the other, leaving you with a couple of gaps on your...well, not-so-pearly whites. But even with this gaps, you still gamely pose for me without a trace of self-consciousness. i love this about you. you were never overly vain anyway. besides, there's really no need to be. even with two front teeth missing, you are still so pretty.
so there's a rundown of my scrapbooking goings-on these past few weeks. i am definitely back. hopefully, the mojo stays for a long, long time this cycle. i will be posting (hopefully soon) about the great weekend i just had with my scrappin' girlfriends at Tagaytay and the uber nice Studio Azul kit called Picture Perfect i'm scrapping with this past week! till next!
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