so despite the short notice, we went ahead and announced an EB for the coming weekend. good thing Mommy Edna B. was such a helpful person and arranged a venue for us. i didn't think many people would be attending on such a short notice so i thought we would just have a loosely structured get-together--have some chihakan, maybe scrap some pages this time--and that would be it. i was so surprised that 24 people signed up, most on the
so now i have resolved to myself that the succeeding EBs after this shall be more organized. it is only by experience that we learn and i really have a looong way to go in terms of the party department being the non-social person that i am. (yes, i know...i doesn't seem so...pero it's true! :-D)
inspite of the lack of preparation, fun was still the order of the day. it is always great to see old friends and see in person the people you have been friends with online. we had Joanne, the cutting queen, in the house who gave us a
we learn a lot viewing other scrapper's albums and projects because we get the chance to ask them in person how they do their techniques.
i also did a little demo on using Ranger's Distress Inks, the only slow-drying dye ink that i know at this time, which makes it embossable and blendable and Ranger's Distress Embossing Powders. i just love both products!
So there you have our little fun day...view more pics here to go directly to webshots or below to see the slideshow.
PinoyScrapbookers’ EB Minor - 04.01.07
hi au! thanks for uploading the pics...i got myself some copies na (hehehehhe)...anyway, one thing we forgot to do is have a "class picture!" pero next time, i am sure meron na.
see you again, soon!
hi Jen!
Oo nga no, nakalimutan natin group pic. See you soon...Have a great vacation week...enjoy!
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